Help your supporters help you spread the word. M+R's share code generator is an easy way to suggest content for your followers to share on Facebook, X, email, Pinterest, and Tumblr. You provide the webpage you want to promote and the Facebook post, tweet, email, Pinterest, or Tumblr content you want your supporters to share and the WatershedShare tool will generate the code snippet for your pre-populated share links.

about watershedshare M+R and Watershed have merged! Find out more

facebook share code generator

Add Bit.ly Generate Open Graph tags Get share link
PLEASE NOTE: In July 2017, Facebook disabled the ability to customize link preview information (i.e. headline, image, description) in a share URL. When people share a page on Facebook, what shows up is determined by Open Graph tags, which you can generate for your page using the tool above.

email share code generator

pinterest share code generator

tumblr share code generator